Time spent on mobile

In this digital era where everyone is connected, persons always yearn time to browse or post something online. The use of mobile continues to grow; we now spend at least 65% of our digital time on a mobile device (comScore).

Benefits of using mobile

Mobile has been the most convenient way for staying connected and nurturing our digital culture to date; notwithstanding, the importance that desktops still play in our lives. We no longer have to be confined to a desk or space, we use the internet anywhere at any time.

Different needs of mobile vs. pc users

Although most of the same persons use both desktops and mobile, there is a distinctive difference in user behavior that requires a tailored approach. These differences are as a result of screen size, internet connections, navigation, graphics, download speeds content, geolocation and much more.mobile-devices-2017978_1280

Optimizing for mobile

0-02-01-e64a468e468aaec2c277a57eb719c6b0b1f9a0ac0d27d67b946659e06da567e5_full.jpgIt is no doubt that if you want your marketing efforts to be optimized and reach your target audience you need to have a mobile strategy in place apart from your regular web strategy to maximize your efforts.

Mobile has definitely encouraged a new culture in the way we go about our daily lives. We turn to our mobile devices on numerous occasions to satisfy our varying needs from choosing a better route with less traffic when leaving the house, to finding a lunch spot with good ratings.


Final thoughts

Monitoring your audience and being able to successfully satisfy their needs creates a win-win situation for both parties and will drive your success with mobile.

Thank you for reading.  I’d love to hear your comments below.

For more content from distinctli by: Karlene Antoine follow me on Twitter @distinctli and like my Facebook page Distinctli.




  1. Hi, Karlene!
    Yes mobile era is definitely here! I like how you use the knowledge of mobile marketing here and put all these in short, clear form. And yes, it is all about micro-moments and knowing how to catch users attention while this short amount of time.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Really well-explained article. I liked the to elaborated about how mobile optimizing is important for every local business to attract Micro-Moment users. Looking forward to your upcoming articles.


  3. Really well-explained article. I liked the way you elaborated about how mobile optimizing is important for every local business to attract Micro-Moment users. Looking forward to your upcoming articles.


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